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Anna Nyakana Feature Article in Medium - San Francisco, CA 

"Creating Hues of Representation in the Pixels"


By: Anna Nyakana

"AN ODE TO MY YOUNGER SELF: Lift your chin, straighten your back, walk with purpose; each step more firm than the lack. Forget their painful remarks, about your hair and your tones, but take a seat towards the front in case before the next stop they throw stones. As you stare through the window’s reflection, you may question if you’re perfection, if their words are in fact true. For you failed the comb test, so could that contradict the benevolence of you? The daily search for faces similar to your own in literature’s printed spaces set to educate have left your backpack light, yet again. Unbeknownst to you, this lack of weight has planted the seed that will germinate into your destiny to empower all girls and women. Lift your chin, straighten your back, walk with purpose; each step more firm than the lack. 

Two channels click in sequence as you turn the dial, aluminum foil to strengthen the signal as the static begins another circadian trail. Characters of animals and boys that are blue, dance across the screen with no representation of you. The technicolor lights flash into your pupil, creating an ocular messaging to the mind that your hue’s acknowledgement to the World is a strategic refusal. As you sit there in compromise, realize what’s hidden in the apparent, see, apparently, our Glory is the essential key to unlocking the mind from captivity. Lift your chin, straighten your back, walk with purpose; each step more firm than the lack. 

As you blink in search for our narratives to manifest in response don’t convert Truth into nonchalance. In fact, pull your curls from your eyes so you can see it clearly, the blatant exclusion, pollution of delusion. Remember this moment for the orbits to come, create an anchor in the deepest chambers, kiln of the hottest embers, where your LifeSpark resides ablaze, your melanated essence appraise. For we are pixelated matter in a rubics cube equation and you have been chosen to solve the moves for Our color pervasion. Lift your chin, straighten your back, walk with purpose; each step more firm than the lack."